
I am a stay at home mother of three: Katherine (5), Naomi (3), Isaiah (1). I am also an avid cyclist, an aspiring iconographer, and an Orthodox Christian. As far as motherhood goes, I lean towards natural or attachment parenting (babywearing, cloth diapering, co-sleeping, long-term breastfeeding, etc.), and try to take my cues from the children to know when they're ready to walk, potty, sleep solo and wean. I also strongly believe that birth is a sacred, holy and intimate event, and that it is rarely treated as such in a hospital setting. I'm somewhat crafty and enjoy sewing and knitting, though rarely find the time. I love to read and to think.

That said, I am not a feminist. (I feel the need to mention this, since most of the blogs of this type I have encountered have a strong feminist leaning. I don't want to disappoint, or be found guilty of inadvertent false advertising.) This is not to say that I don't sympathize with the position: some of my favourite* people are feminists! I just can't personally identify with any of the positions that I have encountered that could be so labeled. (You can read my "Why I Am Not a Feminist" post if you care to.)

*Yes, though I'm currently living in the USA, I'm originally from Canada. My computer doesn't like how I spell labour or colour either.